The Doubtless Bay Playgroup |
Welcome to the blog of the Doubtless Bay Playgroup. Here you will find our latest activities, the coming events and of course news and pictures of the playgroup. We hope you will enjoy, feel free to comment in any way!
Our scedule:
Playgroup is held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am till 12noon. Turn up anywhere between these times and come join the fun. Our coordinator will have lots of activities on hand. The activities include both structured activities and free play. Babygroup is on Tuesday from 11am. It's a great way to meet other parents and caregivers and for the kids to make new friends.
Our coordinator is on site from 8.30am ro 12.30pm. Her role is to organize events and activities for the children. She will set-up and pack up playgroup with help from parents. She takes pride in developing a key relationship with all of the children. A copy of the coordinators job description is held by the committee and is available for viewing.
As parents/caregivers you are ultimately responsible for your children. Please ensure they are safe at all times. It is your role to interact with the children and get involved in the activities. Please provide your children with hats and sunscreen when appropriate.
Playgroup provides the grounds, equipment, activities and resources. Playgroup also provides a morning tea for the children at 10:15am. Morning Tea is prepared by the parents/caregivers. If your child has any allergies or food issues please ensure as the parent/caregiver you write the child’s name and allergy on the allergy list located by the kitchen door. Feel free to bring food for everyone to share at morning tea; it can be left in the kitchen. Tea and coffee is provided for the parents. Playgroup expects the help of all parents/caregivers in order for playgroup to function efficiently.
There are no set fees for Doubtless Bay Playgroup but there is a koha/donation box at the sign in desk or alternatively $20 per child per term. Fees contribute to the cost of providing morning tea to all the children.
The Doubtless Bay Playgroup is organized by the committee. A list of the committee members can be found on the crockery cupboard doors, along with a copy of the last month’s minutes. If you have any issues/concerns with the Doubtless Bay Playgroup feel free and confident to approach a committee member or attend a meeting. Details of the next meeting can be found on the whiteboard.
The Doubtless Bay Playgroup and surrounding areas are a smoke free area at all times.
A weekly cleaner is employed by the playgroup to carry out cleaning of the bathroom and kitchen facilities. The coordinator and all parents/caregivers are responsible for the end of term cleaning this includes cleaning of all the toys and equipment. It is expected that all parents/caregivers will partake in the end of term cleaning.
In the event that a child in your care falls ill please stay away from playgroup until the child is 100% well in order to help prevent the spreading of sickness amongst the children. If your child becomes ill with an infectious illness such as chicken pox, hand foot and mouth please notify a committee member. This will ensure that parents are on the look out for similar symptoms in their children.
Please complete the attached enrolment form and give to a committee member. This is to ensure we receive funding for your child for every session which you attend. Don’t forget to sign in at the start of each session.
We hope that you enjoy your time at Doubtless Bay Playgroup and make some new friends along with your child.